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1E - Workshop: Boosting skills in presenting policy arguments to political decision-makers

Concurrent E
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM


This workshop aims to expand knowledge and skills at translating public health science and policy into messages that impact on political decision makers. The first part of the workshop will begin with a conversation between three keynote guests, addressing the art of translating policy knowledge into politically impactful argument; workshop participants will be drawn into the conversation through questions. The second part will be a role-play of presenting a public health argument to members of a parliamentary committee. Volunteers from among the participants will be arranged in advance to make up the team presenting to the mock parliamentary committee. Keynote guests will be Dr Mike Freelander MP (federal member for Macarthur, NSW), Professor Catherine Bennett (Distinguished Professor and Chair in Epidemiology, Deakin University) and Professor Caroline Miller (Director of the Health Policy Centre at SAHMRI, South Australia).
