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Plenary 3 - 'Commercial determinants and strengthening governance for health'

Tuesday, November 19, 2024
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Clarendon Auditorium


Strong governance is essential for health and wellbeing of people and the planet. This plenary focuses on prioritising good governance within commercial determinants of health framings and how this can be done. Transparency is the first step in better governance, and while we need to prioritise interdisciplinary collaboration, we also need to mitigate conflicts of interest and power imbalances. Meanwhile, tension exists between commercial and traditional knowledge systems, and First Nations perspectives need to be considered within this work. Speakers will utilise current examples illustrating the intersection of commercial determinants and governance, and how these can best be balanced.


Plenary Session 3 Chair Ms Cass de Lacy-Vawdon Lecturer, Early Career Dev Fellow, Health Practice & Management, La Trobe University


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Professor Kelley Lee
Canada Research Chair, Faculty of Health Sciences
Simon Fraser University

Navigating the commercial determinants of health: Strategies for strengthening governance


This presentation will focus on what we mean by strengthening governance, as the basis for navigating commercial determinants of health, and the key strategies for achieving change. If we conceptualize governance as how a society steers itself towards shared goals, wide-ranging evidence shows existing governance arrangements are steering us off course towards poorer health outcomes. Strategies to strengthen governance, however, should emphasise that human health serves as a critical warning light for societies to change course to avoid a collision with other components of the polycrisis.
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Dr Jennifer Lacy-Nichols
Research Fellow
The University of Melbourne


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Dr Beau Cubillo
First Nations Senior Research Fellow
Menzies School Of Health Research

